Sunday, December 18, 2011

damping paper for printing 2

Philip Gallo of Hermetic Press in Minneapolis has very kindly sent this note about his paper-damping process - no pictures, but his prose is crisp & clear - 

As for me, I have taken to misting the sheets with a spray bottle. Then I store the sheets in a plastic bag. 

The only problem you have to watch out for with misting the sheets is a tendency toward overspray - and build-up of water along the edges of the stack, as you continue to mist one sheet on top of the other.

If there is build-up, I move the sheets, wipe the table down and continue.

And yes, I mist every sheet - and sometimes will turn the stack over, and mist the back.

Nor am I misting directly at the sheets, but rather high - two- to two-and-half feet above them, and at a slightly oblique angle downward. So, we're not talking a heavy spray here.

Then I store the sheets overnight; unless I have to be on- and off-press quickly - in which case, two or three hours can be made to suffice.

With multiple press runs on a single sheet, there have been occasions when I have had to slightly redamp sheets, or redamp an area, as might be the case with a large initial letter requiring more dampening than the text.

If I have to redamp an area, I use a small sponge. 

Nor have I experienced any loss of impression with redamped sheets, although as I said I keep the damping to a minimum.

In short, I have moved closer to the expedient than you.

So, this is a very different process from mine, but if you have ever seen the printing of Philip Gallo, then you'll know that this process works very well for him, and his printing is as sharp and clear as any I have seen, anywhere. Not only does he print & publish on his own account, but he is also in demand printing commissions for other publishers. Check him out at Hermetic Press