Marion May Campbell's if not in paint is actually the second in the Alphabeta series - a set of books of poems, each of a set number of pages, that the printer has offered to various poets he wishes to print. The 'recipe' for the poems is quite restricted by the smallness of my bench-top Albion press, particularly in the length of the line that is available to the poet. So far, no one I made the offer to to has declined, so the challenge is obviously attractive -
the first in the series was Tony Green's SOURDOUGH (there are only 4 copies left), a spread from which is here -
and here's the poet, Tony Green, whose brilliant books on the painter Nicolas Poussin, Nicolas Poussin paints the Seven Sacraments twice (2000), and Poussin's Humour (2009) are well worth a close read, and who posts a lot of his work here -
the next in the series is Picture Day by Kyle Schlesinger (USA), and books to come include Elizabeth Wilson (New Zealand), Kevin Hart (an Aussie in the USA), and Devin Johnston (USA) -