Saturday, October 1, 2011

recent book from Ink-A! Press

issued in 2009, a group of my poems titled Nowhere to go was printed & published by Inge Bruggeman at her Ink-A! Press in Portland Oregon. One of the wonderful things about being printed by other fine letterpress printers is that the range of possibilities is so great that I never have any idea about what form the new book might take. If you are published by a 'commercial' publisher, then you expect a 'paperback' which might be well or poorly done, but overall, the resultant object you'll finally have in your hands is fairly predictable in its form. So when my copies of Nowhere to go arrived, they looked nothing like anything that I could have predicted, something in fact, like this - 

to see more pics of Nowhere to go and much else that comes from the superb press of Inge Bruggeman, go here

this was the second book of my work printed by Inge - the first was Mondrian's flowers, with prints and one original drawing by Max Gimblett, and published by Steve Clay at Granary Books, New York 2002. Here's the title-page -

to see more of Max Gimblett's work, go here

to see more from Granary Books, go here